Promotores de La Liberación Migrante is a language justice and grassroots organizing initiative, which began in 2016 to offer direct support to migrants detained in immigration detention centers in the United States and Mexico. Our vision is rooted in the struggle to defend indigenous territory in Guatemala, and the struggle to guarantee the right to migrate with dignity. We use the framework of language justice to provide direct support to Maya migrants in US and Mexican prisons, and as an opportunity to involve Maya communities in the struggle against mass incarceration.
Support Our Work

Since 2016, we have worked with funds from our own pockets, and small donations from compañeros in solidarity with us. But as news has spread of our project and the scale and duration of detention faced by Maya migrants has grown, so has the level of need and requests for support from our partners, we have seen a need to develop workshops in the principal cities of Northern, Central, and Western Guatemala to recruit and train new volunteers.
We are expanding our promotor-a-promotor training program in 2022, with the goal of doubling our network of volunteers from 300 to 600. Make a donation to help support our work!
You can contribute to our project by credit card through Action Network or by sending a check with the note “PLM” to our fiscal sponsor, UPAVIM Community Development Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization based in Texas.
We are always looking for bilingual promotores (who speak a Mayan language from Guatemala and Spanish or English) to participate in our solidarity support work. If you are against the violation of the human right to migrate with dignity, send us a message to [email protected] or to our Facebook page @liberacionmigrante; we will be in touch soon.